Mount Airy is a beautiful little town! I have spent a good portion of my life here, and I love working for the people. It's quaint, and there are some gems to be found here. There are tons of neighborhoods, tons of young families, and overall, the people are nice. One of my favorite shops is Superfoods Café and Market, if you haven't been there yet, definitely check it out (photo above). Okay, now to to the point!!! Many of the relatively new neighborhoods around Mt Airy, were furnished with a certain type of glass that inevitably comes down with a case of the dreaded, flaking low-e coating. The glass needs to be replaced. It's unfortunate, because in my opinion the windows could have lasted longer, but I have noticed that many of the argon filled, low-e coated windows have the same problem... the coating flakes, peels, and goes bad. Truth be told, this happens everywhere!
In Nottingham Village, I have seen one incidence where the grid that was inside of an insulated unit had snapped off... unfortunately the whole unit had to be replaced; there was no way to repair that unit, even though it was not fogged. This unit was located over the door at the entry of the home, and boy was it ever glued in. It took me a good bit of time and persuasion to get the old glass out, but when I finally did, the new glass went in nicely and fit well. Apparently this has happened to several other people in the development, so if you're reading this, and you're having this problem, you know who to call... me, yes me. I will fix it for you!
Twin Ridge is another large development that is nearing the time when some repairs will be in order. The deal is, insulated glass saves us all a ton of money on energy, BUT no butyl sealed, insulated unit lasts forever. They eventually lose there seal, fill with moisture, become unsightly and they lose there energy/thermal efficiency.
The old wood windows, in many of the homes near Main Street, need tender love an care. Many of them have been painted, the balances have broken and, are stuck shut or don't function properly and need some general repairs. Although I mostly focus on replacing broken glass, fogged glass, and doors of course, I also can repair many other things that commonly go wrong with windows. One common problem that happens in all neighborhoods around Mt. Airy, and beyond, is that patio doors sometimes need new rollers, and repair to the track. The rollers are typically easy, but the tracks can sometimes be a bit of a trick bag... depending on how far gone it is. Generally speaking, the longer a glass sliding door is used with seized/malfunctioning rollers, the more the track is damaged. If the track only has mild damage, a stainless steel "snap-track" can be installed over top of it, and they work BRILLIANTLY in almost all cases, especially with a new set of rollers and a little lubricant. Another common problem is that windows sometimes need new balances in order to stay up. Window balances mechanically support the weight of a window sash (up and down) so that you lift it easily and it will stay in place. They can be replaced!